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Welcome to Sally Davidson's profile. Sally Davidson was last seen on April 17, 2007 at 4:31pm.

Email: sillysd@uvic.ca
FaceBook: Sally Jane Davidson
MSN Messanger: sillysd@hotmail.com
Department/Major: History
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 22, 1985
Hometown: Hanna
Stats: Sally Davidson joined on February 2, 2007 as user #7 and has 1520 profile views.


Sally Davidson
I am making a promotional video for the course. I need some help from the class. If anyone is willing to answer a few questions on film regarding their projects, that would be awesome. E-mail me at...


From A M Laidlaw on Mar 7, @ 6:51am
Hey Sally, responding to you here, rather than by email. Maybe you won't get this. Who knows. Maybe this is a pointless message. But, ah. Why I'm writing? To say.. Yeah. Let's schedule an interview soon. I've been going crazy in my bedroom, and I have writing all over the walls. Could make for some interesting shooting. I think.

From Eric Douglas on Mar 6, @ 6:31pm
ya you're more than welcome to film!

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