apparition.Designs | version 2 | anything you can imagine is real

.Welcome to apparition.Designs []

Hello, we are currently under development and are trying to get all our content up as soon as possible. We hope to get the site up, tweaked, and bug-free A.S.A.P. If you have any questions or comments on what you have (or havent) seen so far, feel free to email me at


.other error documents...

You can also do the same for other errors that commonly occur. Some of these errors are:

400 Bad syntax
400.1 Unauthorized - Login Failed
401.2 Unauthorized: Logon Failed due to server configuration
401.3 Unauthorized: Unauthorized due to ACL on resource
401.4 Unauthorized: Authorization failed by filter
401.5 Unauthorized: Authorization failed by ISAPI/CGI app
403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden
403.2 Forbidden: Read Access Forbidden
403.3 Forbidden: Write Access Forbidden
403.4 Forbidden: SSL required
403.5 Forbidden: SSL 128 required
403.6 Forbidden: IP address rejected
403.7 Forbidden: Client certificate required
403.8 Forbidden: Site access denied
403.9 Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected
403.10 Access Forbidden: Invalid Configuration
403.11 Access Forbidden: Password Change
403.12 Access Forbidden: Mapper Denied Access
404 File Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed - Check MIME type
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
412 Precondition Failed
414 Request-URI Too Long
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway

You can look through your raw access logs, and error logs to see what pages are getting 404 errors, or other errors to try and fix it so that they never even get to an error page!

Now onto other functions of .htaccess files!

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