Basic Info | Database | Display | Forms | Monju | Session | Users



Assorted Configuration Settings

In a basic installation of MonjuPHP with the Monju Database, Form, and Basic functions, you will need to adjust the following configuration settings. If have the admin panel, you can use it to keep your settings file up to date. Either way, you can always edit it manually as well. You can find it in monju/modules/

Environment Variables

To get the best use out of the monju_include and related functions, setting the base directory is important. You will want to set this to the base of your public web directory. We do this to make sure that only public files which already exist in your account may be included. This prevents attackers from getting access to your private files.

// Working directory (include trailing slash) define('BASE_DIR', '/home/your_username/public_html/');

Database Variables

In order to connect and access your database, you need to adjust the following settings. You can get this information from your hosting provider. Usually you only need to update your DB_USER name, DB_PASS and DB_NAME which references the name of your database.

// Database settings define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'your_username'); define('DB_PASS', 'your_pass'); define('DB_NAME', 'monju'); define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');

Cryptographic Variables

Security is and important motivator for MonjuPHP. This CRYPTO_SALT variable allows the security of your system to be unique to all other systems. Make sure you pick a unique value that is very hard to guess.

// Crypto Salt define('CRYPTO_SALT', 'Nu9r7mGaPOS%5b*4et^GAnRGr$Hx6q#9');


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