Basic Info | Database | Display | Forms | Monju | Session | Users


db_query($query, $returnType = 'RAW', $queryData = -1)


db_query first ensures that there is a connection to the database, or tries to make one if there isn't. It then will query the database and return the result in a helpful manor. You should use :variables to ensure that no SQL injection occurs.


$query: SQL string with which to query the database. [type:array]

$returnType: Default return type is RAW. Allowable types are: 'RAW', 'ASSOC', 'ASSOC_ALL', 'NUM', 'NUM_ALL', 'BOTH', 'BOTH_ALL' and 'COUNT'. [type:string]

$queryData: Array of keys which correspond to query variables. Values of the keys denote the accepted type. [type:array]

Return Values

On Success: MySQL result represented according to $returnType On Failure: False


db_connect() is optional.


// set the variables to use in the query $data[':name'] = 'Some User'; // build the query $sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE user = :name AND type = `beginner`'; // execute the query and get the result $result = db_query($sql, 'ASSOC_ALL', $data); // $result is now an associative array of all the results of the query


- Must have properly configured the database settings in monju/modules/


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